Friday 28 December 2012

Healthy hair post.

So one day I was fed up paying huge amounts of money to the beauty organic industry for the shampoos and conditioners. Of course first I have stopped using all main stream stuff, that contains chemicals like SLS etc. I moved to natural shampoos but they cost double or more sometimes. So then I have decided to try “No poo” method (when using baking soda and water as a shampoo, and apple cider vinegar with water as conditioner). But instead of just baking soda shampoo I use home made shampoo that I have found online. 

I found a fantastic option, simple, easy, soapy, natural and cheap – who doesn't want that?

So here is the recipe that I now use:
1 cup of Dr Broner Pure castile oil
1/5 cup of water
2 table spoons of Organic apple sider vinegar
10-15 drops of any essential oil that you like (I used yilang yilang)
Mix it all in a bowl and transfer to an empty shampoo bottle.

For a conditioner I use:
3 table spoon of Organic apple cider vinegar
1-1/5 cup of water

I wash with shampoo as with the normal shampoo, then I apply the conditioner and wait for a few moments and wash it out thoroughly. 

I must admit the first time I washed the hair I applied the Aubrey conditioner, and my hair was a bit rough and greasy. The second time I washed my hair with this method it got better - my roots are very soft and shiny, but the ends are still a bit rough and greasy and feeling dirty. The third time I washed my hair it was pretty much the same story, but last night when I washed my hair they became more soft throughout. Only a small portion of the ends were still sticky/oily/dry kind of thing.  Well, I am impressed! I started giving up on it already, but now I want to try this method for a little bit longer and see if my hair will be shiny and silky.

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